Spring Boot 3: What’s New?

Spring Boot, the popular Java-based framework, has recently released its latest version – Spring Boot 3. With this release, there are several new features and changes that developers should be aware of. In this blog post, we’ll take a closer look at what’s new in Spring Boot 3.

1. Java 17 Support.

Spring Boot 3 now supports the latest version of Java – Java 17. This means that developers can take advantage of the new language features and improvements that come with Java 17.

2. Improved startup Time.

One of the biggest changes in Spring Boot 3 is the improved startup time. With the new release, Spring Boot applications start up faster than ever before, thanks to improvements in the framework’s caching and classloading mechanisms.

3. Reactive Web Support.

Spring Boot 3 also includes improved support for reactive web applications. The new release includes a number of enhancements to Spring WebFlux, making it easier for developers to build reactive web applications with Spring Boot.

4. Improved Testing Support.

Spring Boot 3 includes several improvements to its testing support. The new release includes better integration with JUnit 5, as well as improved support for testing reactive web applications.

5. Updated Dependencies.

Finally, Spring Boot 3 includes updates to several dependencies, including Spring Framework 6 and Spring Data 3. These updates bring new features and improvements to the framework, making it easier for developers to build robust and scalable applications.


In conclusion, Spring Boot 3 is a significant update to the popular Java-based framework. With improved startup time, support for Java 17, and enhanced support for reactive web applications, developers can build faster and more scalable applications than ever before. If you’re a Spring Boot developer, it’s definitely worth checking out the latest release!